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St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Madden Row, Keady

News - Homepage

2021/2022 School Year

22nd Dec 2021
The boys and girls in Primary 6 were very busy this term. They enjoyed fantasic PE...
22nd Dec 2021
Primary 4 have been working hard this term. Have a look at some of the things we...
22nd Dec 2021
The boys and girls in Primary 4, Primary 5, Primary 6 and Primary 7 would like to...
21st Dec 2021
After School Activities for Term 2A Please make payment on Parentpay to register...
21st Dec 2021
We have been very busy this term building circuits for lighthouses, creating paintings...
21st Dec 2021
The boys and girls from Reception to Primary 4 enjoyed a delicious Christmas meal...
21st Dec 2021
We would like to say a huge thank you to the ladies in our canteen for providing...
20th Dec 2021
Congratulations to the girls and boys from Primary 6 and Primary 7 who played brilliantly...
20th Dec 2021
Chuir Rang 1/2 Scéal na Nollag i láthair agus nach iad atá ceolmhar...
20th Dec 2021
Miss McBride’s Reception and Primary 1 class had a magical time visiting Santa...