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St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Madden Row, Keady

News - Homepage

2020/2021 School Year

28th May 2021
We had a fantastic day showing off our sporting skills and abilities on Sports Day...
28th May 2021
We were delighted to have Fire Fighter's visit our school to talk about their very...
28th May 2021
Although our Shared Education has been a little different this year, we have had...
28th May 2021
We had an absolutely fabulous day on Thursday at our Foundation Stage Sports Day...
11th May 2021
The boys and girls in Primary 7 took part in a World Around Us Knex Challenge. They...
10th May 2021
Primary 7 skillfully programmed Spheros to move, dance and flash around mazes and...
10th May 2021
This term, Primary 7 have enjoyed taking part in a range of art activities. ...
7th May 2021
It was great to see all the AMAZING outfits last Friday to celebrate the final day...
30th Apr 2021
Our Primary 6 children completed their final day of Level 2 Cycle Training with Sustrans!...
29th Apr 2021
With the finish line of the Sustrans 'Big Pedal 2021' approaching, our School Council...