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St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Madden Row, Keady

School Photographs

8th Nov 2021

Apologies for late notice but we have rearranged the photographs for WEDNESDAY 10th NOV when everyone is in school uniform -see details below:

Lafayette Photography will take School Photographs on Wed 10th Nov. There will be individual and whole class photographs for all pupils in Reception, Primary 1 and Rang 1. (P4 and P7 individual photographs will be done for our sacrament displays). Any parent who would like sibling photographs taken (with only pupils attending the school or the Naíscoil) please private message on Seesaw or email before tomorrow Tuesday at 2pm.

ALL pupils who are getting individual or family photographs taken should wear in FULL school uniform including black shoes.

A code for viewing and ordering photographs online will be sent home with your child on Wednesday. Please do not misplace this code as the school does not have access to these codes.

Thank you