Our School
A very warm welcome to our school website which we hope you will find informative. It is our intention to provide visitors with an overview of school life and present the opportunity for you to celebrate with us the achievements and accomplishments of our children.
Our children enjoy learning and working together. The friendly ‘family ‘ethos of the school encourages high expectations of all our pupils and enhances each pupil’s personal development within Catholic attitudes and values.
Mission Statement
In St. Francis of Assisi Primary School Keady, we aim to educate our children in a safe, happy and stimulating school environment to enable them to fulfil their unique potential.
We aim to create opportunities for children to collaborate in the learning process, become lifelong learners, have mutual respect and contribute positively to their local and global societies for the good of all.
Christian values are placed at the centre of our daily life and underpin all the relationships we develop in a caring school community.
St Francis of Assisi Primary School is a Catholic School and values strong links between home, school and parish, and welcome all children and their families.
✏️📚Starting School September 2025? 📚✏️

Online Applications for Naíscoil, Reception, Primary 1 & Rang 1 pupils via the EA Portal has now closed ✍️
If anyone has missed the deadline for applications please contact the school for advice ASAP.
School Prospectus
Internet Safety Workshop
Parents are reminded during this period of school closure to remain vigilant. Please continue to supervise your child’s activity if they have access to social media/chat rooms and ensure appropriate parental controls are in place for internet settings in your home.

Pupil Voice
The Eco and School Council have introduced a 'UNIFORM EXCHANGE RAIL' to help reduce clothing waste. If you would like to donate gently-used or nearly new school uniform or you are in need of a uniform item you can find the exchange rail inside the P1/P2 exit door which will be open before and after school.