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St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Madden Row, Keady

News - Homepage

2020/2021 School Year

16th Nov 2020
Amharc ar pháistí Rang 1 ag súgradh agus ag foghlaim - nach...
16th Nov 2020
Our Reception and Primary 1 class have enjoyed learning about the current season...
13th Nov 2020
Primary 2 were busy this week creating autumn themed pictures. We had lots of fun...
13th Nov 2020
P2 wrapped up warm and braved the cold Autumn wind as we ventured into our outdoor...
13th Nov 2020
We have been busy measuring using metre sticks and finding out if we are taller or...
9th Nov 2020
Primary 5 have been busy learning to measure in metres and centimetres. We used our...
2nd Nov 2020
Many thanks to our parents who have helped make the transition to cashless payments...
16th Oct 2020
We had lots of fun at our Halloween day in Reception and Primary 1. We...
16th Oct 2020
See attached letter from Mrs Hughes
14th Oct 2020
Some photos of Mrs O'Malley's class learning how to measure and compare length using...