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St Francis of Assisi Primary School, Madden Row, Keady

News - Homepage

2021/2022 School Year

22nd Nov 2021
Congratulations to our newly awarded Pupils of the Week Sophie and Emma in P1, Sarlote...
19th Nov 2021
This week our School and Eco Council delivered a fantastic assembly to raise awareness...
19th Nov 2021
Pupils from Primary 3 to Primary 7 enjoyed developing their Science, Technology,...
19th Nov 2021
The boys and girls from Reception to Primary 7 looked fantasic today in their odd...
17th Nov 2021
Well done to the boys and girls who achieved their target in Accelerated Reading    P4 Eva...
15th Nov 2021
Comhghairdeas le Lucy agus Lochlainn as Rang 1 agus Rang 2 as an obair iontach a...
12th Nov 2021
This week Primary 6 enjoyed a lot of practical activities in Numeracy. They improved...
11th Nov 2021
Excited to see our head cook Tracey taking the helm at our After-school Club Masterchef...
11th Nov 2021
Congratulations to the awesome target achievers, for reaching their target in Accelerated...
8th Nov 2021
Apologies for late notice but we have rearranged the photographs for WEDNESDAY 10th...